This is one of my very best friends, Ksenija. We have know each other for 15 years. We were placed randomly as roommates on our study abroad program and have been friends ever since.
Our lives since that time have had many parallels. For a long time photography and the business occupied many of our talks as Ksen is a fantastic and wildly talented photographer as well ( Boys that turned into husbands added to our many talks among 1000's of other subjects. Soon after I my baby Ksen called to tell me that we once again were on the same path as she was pregnant! I was overjoyed that we could have yet another topic that we could bond over!
I was able to spend a weekend with her and her family recently and it was amazing. I don't have the words to properly describe how great it was to spend time again in person. The phone is a must but to have in person chats is the best. I'm honored to be called her friend and am so thankful she is in my life. Her heart, wisdom, perspective and love mean the world to me.
I'm so pumped that she let me take photos of her and Jobie while we were visiting. Like a lot of photographers, Ksen would prefer to be behind the camera. She however recognized the value of capturing these moments. When you watch on a daily bases an infant grow into a baby, and a baby grow into a toddler it is mind blowing how fast they change. Thank you for trusting me with your baby, dogs and yourself.
Keep up the good work mama. You are doing a fantastic job! All my love, M