Thursday, March 20, 2008


Back from Vegas and boy am I pumped for this next summer. I attended the
WPPI photography conference this year and can't even begin to tell you all the good stuff that happened. Learned loads, saw much, and totally had the best time with my other photo friends. Am inspired and still thrilled that I have the raddess job around!
The fun pictures we took in the photo booths definitely show the fun that took place after the work days were over!

Ksenija one of my BBF's and an awesome photographer out of D town is on the left. My newest photo friend Heather from Texas is in the middle, and me on the right!

Same crew here along with cool Kyle from Texas with the white shades.

And a shout out to my favorite fountain at the Bellagio. I swear I could sit there all day, for I am totally mesmerized by it! Okay, I'm a dork!
Cheers to the good talks, big laughs, and awesome advice. I'm so thankful for this great community of friends.


  1. oh how i heart you!!! miss you already & am pumped to have been able to share this experience with you yet another year --- i think we need to def make this an annual thing. so much love to you my friend. :)

  2. Miss M!!! It was sooooo great to meet you and Ksenija, and Heather!!! You're super fabulous ladies and it was fun throwing High Fives in the hall at [b]'s party!!!

  3. woo hooo what a blast we all had! Can't wait for next year :)

  4. Anonymous8:26 PM

    I love the fountain too.... I don't take wedding photography, but knowing that my two favorite photographers were there, makes me wish I was there too!! Megan
